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219 South 4th Street
Highlands, NC, 28741
United States


Stick Candles FAQ

It's our pleasure to respond to your query any time via your preferred communication mode.

Head on over to our Contact Us page. Or click here to send us a note.

Meantime : Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions, and our best shot at the Answers !

single flame


1). Q : How long do Stick Candles burn ?
A : Stick Candles burn about one inch per hour.
Our burn time estimates include a reasonable "useful life" buffer. We test burn candles continuously; especially since our production runs are so small.

2). Q : Are Stick Candles Dripless ?
A : Stick Candles are not Dripless. We pour 100% Natural Beeswax.  No chemical additives are used to control the melting point of the wax. Our burn characteristics are developed by balancing each candle style with the correct wick, and finding the best path for the wick down the center of each cutting.

Because the thickness of the real sticks, twigs, and branches from which Stick Candles are cast varies, and the candles are organic forms, we recommend candlestick holders with a wide brim, or dish~style receptacle  that can catch falling wax.

Natural Beeswax Candles Will Drip When Exposed To A Draft.



3). Q : What happens to the little branchlets on the candle when the flame burns  down ?
A : Some of the branchlets will be consumed by the upper part of the flame as the wax pool descends down the candle.
However, some unmelted bits of wax will fall along the shaft of the candle as the cutting burns down.
For this reason, we recommend that you place Stick Candles in candlestick holders and receptacles with wide brims, or dish-style holders that can catch falling wax.

Please take extra care to protect table runners and fine linens when using our candles.




5). Q : My Stick Candles are not the same color that they were when I first received them... What Happened ?

A : Stick Candles are colored with candle dye only. There are no chemical additives used to control color loss. Just as oxidation or “bloom” occurs over time, resulting in a duller appearance on the surface of the candle, color tone or saturation may intensify, especially when the candles are stored over longer periods, or exposed to intense UV light, and/or changes in temperature. You can “refresh” the color of your Stick Candles by running them under hot tap water.

The color can be restored to original, or you can create your own color effects.  Color will last slightly longer after each treatment.


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4). Q : My Stick Candles have a "dull" finish.
Why aren't they shiny, like the pictures on the Stick Candles Website ?
A : All Natural Beeswax Candles, without additives to prevent oxidation, begin to bloom from 4-6 weeks after production.
It's a matter of opinion : If you like, you can make your candles shiny again by heating them with a hair dryer, or passing them under water as hot as it will come out of your tap.



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